Understanding Common Childhood Vaccines

Immunizations offer many benefits, they train their immune system to better battle against many common diseases and complications. Learn more about the many benefits of childhood vaccines by reaching out to your Anthem, AZ, pediatrician Dr. David Yip of Angel Pediatrics.

Immune System

The immune system is the body's protector, it can fight many kinds of intruders that can cause sickness or disease but it can become overwhelmed when it encounters unknown pathogens.

That's where vaccines come in, by introducing the immune system to a dead or weakened form of a specific disease, it can learn to be better prepared when and if it comes into contact with the real thing.

Other Benefits

Vaccines can protect not just your child but children everywhere, when vaccines are widespread it makes it less likely that someone susceptible to complications will be exposed.

It is thanks to vaccines being so widely available that so many diseases that were once so prevalent are now mostly eradicated or under control.

Immunization Schedule

To maximize the effectiveness of vaccines they are not given all at once, instead, they are spread out over your child's life.

For reference, you can find the recommended immunization schedule at the CDC website, but you don't need to constantly look up this information yourself, your child's pediatrician can keep track of your child's vaccinations as well as provide them.

School Registration

Most schools will require that your child is caught up on their immunizations to register for the new year. These are important because your child will be coming into close contact with many different students.

Your child's doctor can the necessary vaccines during a school physical, which are typically also required before registration.

Childhood Vaccines in Anthem, AZ

For childhood vaccines in or near the area of Anthem, AZ, you can schedule a visit with Dr. Yip of Angel Pediatrics by dialing (623) 551-0442.

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