Common Signs and Symptoms of the Flu

The flu, short for influenza, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. When you or your child catch the flu, these tiny invaders target the nose, throat, and sometimes lungs, leading to uncomfortable symptoms. You both might experience fever, chills, coughing, sore throat, muscle aches, fatigue, and congestion. It's not your typical cold – the flu packs a more potent punch.

The virus infiltrates your respiratory tract, hijacking your cells to replicate itself inside the body. The immune system battles the invaders, leaving you or your child achy and feverish. The flu can be especially severe for vulnerable groups like young children, senior citizens, and those with weakened immune systems.

When should you visit Angel Pediatrics in Anthem, AZ,? If you or your child show flu symptoms, such as sudden onset fever, body aches, and severe fatigue, it's wise to reach out. Dr. David Yip recommends prompt attention because early antiviral medications, when appropriate, can help shorten the duration and severity of the illness.

Common Signs and Symptoms of the Flu

The flu can affect children differently than adults. Recognizing early signs and symptoms is crucial for timely intervention. In kids, the flu often starts suddenly. Your child may experience a high fever, typically above 100.4°F (38°C), and complain of chills. They may also experience muscle or body aches, particularly in the legs and back. Fatigue and weakness can be overwhelming, making it challenging for your child to engage in activities.

Children with the flu in Anthem, AZ, may also have a runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, and a persistent cough. Headaches and a general feeling of discomfort are frequent. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can occur, especially in younger children.

Contact Dr. Yip if your child displays severe symptoms or the following warning signs: rapid breathing, bluish skin color, dehydration (dry mouth, no tears when crying, sunken eyes), irritability to the point of not wanting to be held, high fever that persists, and worsening of underlying medical conditions like asthma.

Flu Prevention and Treatment

Prevention starts with a yearly flu vaccine for kids six months and older. It's the most effective way to reduce the risk of flu in Anthem, AZ. Encourage good hygiene practices such as frequent handwashing with soap and water, covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue or elbow, and avoiding close contact with sick individuals.

In case your child does get sick, early treatment is vital. Dr. Yip may prescribe antiviral medications like oseltamivir (Tamiflu) within the first 48 hours of symptoms. These drugs can shorten the duration of the illness and reduce its severity. Ensure your child gets plenty of rest, drinks fluids, and eats nutritious foods to aid recovery.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. Protect yourself and others this season from the flu in Anthem, AZ. To schedule an appointment with Dr. David Yip at Angel Pediatrics, call (623) 551-0442.

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